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Reactor in test

We started the construction of a second prototype,
The equipment showed power and stability.
It traps CO2, separating it from the air, and extracts it at $60 per ton, consuming a third of the energy of current equipment.
It is a reactor that operates continuously, cleaning the adsorbents, regenerating them for new uses, this allows it to be the most compact equipment, thereby lowering the costs of the machinery.
To improve the results we are manufacturing a catalyst and filters that allow solids such as soot to be trapped and other gases to be separated.
The tests are carried out with engines and Marine Diesel, the reactor has operated without failures.

First prototype

The first prototype passed all electromagnetic emissions tests, proving to be safe equipment.
From the first test it generated enough energy to break down the gases and convert them into energy.
From the first test, it generated enough energy to break down the gases and reform them, opening a path to convert polluting gases into clean energy.
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